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Let's chat

An icebreaker for your

Waddle over and

creative crew

let's talk creatives

get in touch

Let’s Talk

If you have any questions,
please drop us
a line using the enquiry form.

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creative marketing

Are you ready?

Experience Top-Notch Performance UGC 
Know-How For BIG Social Impact.


Explore Our Frequently Asked Questions

What packages do you offer?

The perfect package for you depends on factors including your service request (UGC, TikTok Shop, Paid Socials) and size.

Generally, we accommodate brands with a MRR starting at $50K and also have clients with a $10M MRR. To get a tailored offer for your business, enquire using the Contact Us section.

Are creators included in your pricing?

Yes! All packages are inclusive of our creator pricing.

Do you have a guarantee?

Our commitment to you is a true partnership aimed at achieving your brand’s goals.

We often include performance guarantees within our packages. To determine the creative structure for your brand, schedule a call with our team to find out more.

How can I can contact you?

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

Not just ANY
boring MARKETING agency

At The Social Penguin, we take pride in elevating brands with UGC, Paid Creatives and TikTok Shop.

We avoid the term 'agency' because we're more than just a service provider. We work closely with carefully selected brand partners, prioritising their growth and success. When you thrive, we thrive, ensuring mutual growth and achievement.

Join us today and keep an eye for your Social Penguin Welcome Pack!

Including your own adopted penguin, our mascot plush, sweet penguin treats & much more for you to enjoy with your team!